Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erhardt Barth
Stellvertretender Direktor
Institut für Neuro- und Bioinformatik
Ratzeburger Allee 160 (Geb. 64)
23562 Lübeck
Email: | erhardt.barth(at) |
Phone: | +49 451 3101 5503 |
Fax: | +49 451 3101 5504 |
Current research interests
Main research interests are in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. A further interest is in biological vision, which is used as a source of inspiration for solving computer vision problems and for building enhanced vision systems that can compensate the strengths and weaknesses of both human and computer vision.
Brief biography
Prof. Barth leads the research on human and machine vision at the INB. He obtained his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 1994, was a Research Associate at the Department of Communications Engineering in Munich and a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Melbourne University, Australia, where he was supported by the Gottlieb-Daimler and Karl-Benz Foundation. He then was a researcher at the Department of Medical Psychology, University of Munich, and a Klaus-Piltz fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin. In 1997/98 he was a member of the NASA Vision Science and Technology Group at NASA Ames, Moffet Field, California. In May 2000 he received a Schloessmann Award from the Max-Planck Gesellschaft. Since then, he initiated and conducted a number of basic and applied research projects, and started a few companies (e.g. ARTTS, GazeCom, PRC, gestigon).
Google Scholar
On the generalization of symmetry relations in visual pattern classification, in Human Symmetry Perception and its Computational Analysis , C. Tyler, Eds. Utrecht: VSP, 1996. pp. 237--264.
Geometrische {A}nalyse und iterative {S}ynthese von {B}ildern., .... Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag, 1995.
Nonlinear image operators for the detection of local intrinsic dimensionality, in Proc. IEEE Workshop Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing , 1995. pp. 182--185.
Curvature from a non-differential viewpoint: perspectives from visual information processing, in Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Theoretical Physics, General Relativity and Gravitation, Bistrita, Romania, May 1994 , 1994. pp. 84--91.
Datei: | BaZeKr94a.html |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{BaZeKr94, author = {E. Barth and C. Zetzsche and G. Krieger}, title = {Curvature from a non-differential viewpoint: perspectives from visual information processing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Theoretical Physics, General Relativity and Gravitation, Bistrita, Romania, May 1994}, volume = {4--5}, pages = {84--91}, year = {1994}, url = {} } |
Nichtlineare {O}peratoren und {B}indungen höherer {O}rdnung in der biologischen und technischen {M}usterverarbeitung, in Momente höherer Ordnung: Algorithmen und deren Anwendung , 1994. pp. 75--83.
Image Encoding, Labeling, and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry, CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing , vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 428--446, Nov. 1993. Academic Press.
Datei: | BaCaZe93.pdf |
Bibtex: | @article{BaCaZe93, author = {Erhardt Barth and Terry Caelli and Christoph Zetzsche}, journal = {CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing}, month = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {428--446}, publisher = {Academic Press}, title = {Image Encoding, Labeling, and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry}, volume = {55}, year = {1993}, url = {} } |
The importance of intrinsically two-dimensional image features in biological vision and picture coding, in Digital Images and Human Vision , Andrew B. Watson, Eds. MIT Press, Okt.1993, pp. 109--38.
Datei: | ZeBaWe93a.html |
Bibtex: | @incollection{ZeBaWe93a, author = {Christoph Zetzsche and Erhardt Barth and Bernhard Wegmann}, title = {The importance of intrinsically two-dimensional image features in biological vision and picture coding}, booktitle = {Digital Images and Human Vision}, editor = {Andrew B. Watson}, year = {1993}, month = {10}, pages = {109--38}, publisher = {MIT Press}, url = {} } |
Fractal properties from {2D}-curvature on multiple scales, in Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, SPIE , B. Vemuri, Eds. 1993. pp. 87--99.
Datei: | BaZeFeRe93.html |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{BaZeFeRe93, author = {E. Barth and C. Zetzsche and M. Ferraro and I. Rentschler}, title = {Fractal properties from {2D}-curvature on multiple scales}, booktitle = {Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, SPIE}, editor = {B. Vemuri}, volume = {2031}, pages = {87--99}, year = {1993}, url = {} } |
Nonlinear {A}spects of {P}rimary {V}ision: {E}ntropy {R}eduction {B}eyond {D}ecorrelation, in SID 93 DIGEST , 1993. pp. 933--936.
Datei: | ZeWeBa93.pdf |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{ZeWeBa93, author = {C. Zetzsche and B. Wegmann and E. Barth}, title = {Nonlinear {A}spects of {P}rimary {V}ision: {E}ntropy {R}eduction {B}eyond {D}ecorrelation}, booktitle = {SID 93 DIGEST}, pages = {933--936}, year = {1993}, url = {} } |
Aspects of invariant pattern and object recognition, in Neural Networks for Perception. Vol. 1: Human and Machine Perception , H. Wechsler, Eds. San Diego: Academic Press, 1991. pp. 234--247.
Direct detection of flow discontinuities by 3{D} curvature operators, Pattern Recognition Letters , vol. 12, pp. 771--779, 1991.
Efficient visual representation and reconstruction from generalised curvature measures, in Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE , B. Vemuri, Eds. 1991. pp. 86--95.
Datei: | BaCaZe91.html |
Bibtex: | @inproceedings{BaCaZe91, author = {E. Barth and T. Caelli and C. Zetzsche}, title = {Efficient visual representation and reconstruction from generalised curvature measures}, editor = {B. Vemuri}, booktitle = {Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, SPIE}, volume = {1570}, pages = {86--95}, year = {1991}, url = {} } |
Spatio-temporal curvature measures for flow-field analysis, SPIE Geometric Methods in Computer Vision , vol. 1570, pp. 337--350, 1991.
Fundamental limits of linear filters in the visual processing of two-dimensional signals, Vision Research , vol. 30, pp. 1111--1117, 1990.
Datei: | ZeBa90a.pdf |
Bibtex: | @article{ZeBa90a, author = {Christoph Zetzsche and Erhardt Barth}, title = {Fundamental limits of linear filters in the visual processing of two-dimensional signals}, journal = {Vision Research}, volume = {30}, pages = {1111--1117}, year = {1990}, url = {} } |
Image surface predicates and the neural encoding of two-dimensional signal variation, in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications , Bernice E. Rogowitz, Eds. 1990. pp. 160--177.
Vom geometrischen {K}rümmungsbegriff zur systemtheoretischen {A}nalyse von zweidimensionalen {B}ildmerkmalen, Diploma Thesis, Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik der TU München, 1989.