Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erhardt Barth

Photo of Erhardt  Barth

Stellvertretender Direktor
Institut für Neuro- und Bioinformatik
Ratzeburger Allee 160 (Geb. 64)
23562 Lübeck

Email: erhardt.barth(at)
Phone: +49 451 3101 5503
Fax: +49 451 3101 5504


Current research interests

Main research interests are in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. A further interest is in biological vision, which is used as a source of inspiration for solving computer vision problems and for building enhanced vision systems that can compensate the strengths and weaknesses of both human and computer vision.


Brief biography

Prof. Barth leads the research on human and machine vision at the INB. He obtained his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 1994, was a Research Associate at the Department of Communications Engineering in Munich and a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Melbourne University, Australia, where he was supported by the Gottlieb-Daimler and Karl-Benz Foundation. He then was a researcher at the Department of Medical Psychology, University of Munich, and a Klaus-Piltz fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin. In 1997/98 he was a member of the NASA Vision Science and Technology Group   at NASA Ames, Moffet Field, California. In May 2000 he received a Schloessmann Award from the Max-Planck Gesellschaft. Since then, he initiated and conducted a number of basic and applied research projects, and started a few companies (e.g. ARTTS, GazeCom, PRC, gestigon).


Google Scholar



E. Barth,
Information technology for active perception: {I}tap, in First GRP-Symposium, Sehen und Aufmerksamkeit im Alter, Benediktbeuren, December 2001 , 2001.
Datei: Bart01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
title = {Information technology for active perception: {I}tap},
booktitle = {First GRP-Symposium, Sehen und Aufmerksamkeit im Alter, Benediktbeuren, December 2001},
year = {2001},
url = {}

P. Stoerig, and E. Barth,
Low-level phenomenal vision despite unilateral destruction of primary visual cortex, Consciousness and Cognition , vol. 10, pp. 574--587, 2001.
Datei: StBa01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {P. Stoerig and E. Barth},
title = {Low-level phenomenal vision despite unilateral destruction of primary visual cortex},
journal = {Consciousness and Cognition},
volume = {10},
pages = {574--587},
year = {2001},
url = {},
url = {}

Michael Dorr, Ingo Stuke, Cicero Mota, and Erhardt Barth,
Mathematical and perceptual analysis of multiple motions, in TWK 2001 Beiträge zur 4. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz , Heinrich H. Bülthoff and Karl R. Gegenfurtner and Hanspeter A. Mallot and Rolf Ulrich, Eds. 2001. pp. 174.
Datei: DoStMoBa01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Michael Dorr and Ingo Stuke and Cicero Mota and Erhardt Barth},
booktitle = {TWK 2001 Beitr{\"a}ge zur 4. T{\"u}binger Wahrnehmungskonferenz},
editor = {Heinrich H. B{\"u}lthoff and Karl R. Gegenfurtner and Hanspeter A. Mallot and Rolf Ulrich},
pages = {174},
title = {Mathematical and perceptual analysis of multiple motions},
year = {2001},
url = {}

E. Barth, M. Ferraro, and C. Zetsche,
Global topological properties of images derived from local curvature features, in Visual Form 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , C. Arcelli and L. P. Cordella and G. Sanniti di Baja, Eds. 2001. pp. 285--294.
Datei: BaFeZe01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth and M. Ferraro and C. Zetsche},
title = {Global topological properties of images derived from local curvature features},
editor = {C. Arcelli and L. P. Cordella and G. Sanniti di Baja},
booktitle = {Visual Form 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
pages = {285--294},
year = {2001},
url = {}

P. Stoerig, and E. Barth,
A {N}ote on ({K}){N}ots: {R}esponse to {R}obert {W}. {K}entridge's {C}ommentary, Consciousness and Cognition , vol. 10, pp. 591--593, 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {P. Stoerig and E. Barth},
title = {A {N}ote on ({K}){N}ots: {R}esponse to {R}obert {W}. {K}entridge's {C}ommentary},
journal = {Consciousness and Cognition},
volume = {10},
pages = {591--593},
year = {2001}

I. Rentschler, and E. Barth,
{B}ilder im {K}opf oder vom {U}rsprung des {S}chönen, in Welten im Kopf. Texte zum Imaginativen Lernen , I. Rentschler and E. Madelung and P. Fauser, Eds. Hamburg: Kallwey Verlag, 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {I. Rentschler and E. Barth},
title = {{B}ilder im {K}opf oder vom {U}rsprung des {S}ch{\"o}nen},
editor = {I. Rentschler and E. Madelung and P. Fauser},
booktitle = {Welten im Kopf. Texte zum Imaginativen Lernen},
publisher = {Kallwey Verlag},
address = {Hamburg},
year = {2001}


E. Barth, and A. B. Watson,
A geometric framework for nonlinear visual coding, Optics Express , vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 155--165, 2000.
Datei: BaWa00.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth and A. B. Watson},
title = {A geometric framework for nonlinear visual coding},
journal = {Optics Express},
volume = {7},
number = {4},
pages = {155--165},
year = {2000},
url = {}

E. Barth,
A geometric view on early and middle level visual coding, Spatial Vision , vol. 13, no. 2--3, pp. 193--199, 2000.
Datei: badhomburg.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
title = {A geometric view on early and middle level visual coding},
journal = {Spatial Vision},
volume = {13},
number = {2--3},
pages = {193--199},
year = 2000,
note = {Special Issue on Object Recognition and Image Understanding by Brain and Machines},
url = {}

V. Srinivasan, S. W. Zhang, J. S. Chahl, E. Barth, and S. Venkatesh,
How honeybees make grazing landings on flat surfaces, Biological Cybernetics , vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 171--183, 2000.
Datei: srini.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {V. Srinivasan and S. W. Zhang and J. S. Chahl and E. Barth and S. Venkatesh},
title = {How honeybees make grazing landings on flat surfaces},
journal = {Biological Cybernetics},
year = {2000},
volume = {83},
number = {3},
pages = {171--183},
url = {}

E. Barth, and M. Ferraro,
On the geometric structure of spatio-temporal patterns, in Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle , G. Sommer and Y. Zeevi, Eds. Berlin: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000. pp. 134--143.
Datei: afpac2000.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth and M. Ferraro},
title = {On the geometric structure of spatio-temporal patterns},
booktitle = {Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle},
editor = {G. Sommer and Y. Zeevi},
publisher = {Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
address = {Berlin},
pages = {134--143},
year = {2000},
url = {}

Cicero Mota, and Erhardt Barth,
On the uniqueness of curvature features, in Dynamische Perzeption , G. Baratoff and H. Neumann, Eds. Köln: Infix Verlag, 2000. pp. 175--178.
ISBN:3 89838 020 3
Datei: ulm2000.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Cicero Mota and Erhardt Barth},
title = {On the uniqueness of curvature features},
editor = {G. Baratoff and H. Neumann},
booktitle = {Dynamische Perzeption},
publisher = {Infix Verlag},
address = {K{\"o}ln},
isbn = {3 89838 020 3},
series = {Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence},
volume = {9},
pages = {175--178},
year = {2000},
url = {}

E. Barth,
Spatio-temporal curvature and the visual coding of motion, in Neural Computation , Berlin: Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress, 2000.
Datei: nc2000.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
title = {Spatio-temporal curvature and the visual coding of motion},
booktitle = {Neural Computation},
publisher = {Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress},
address = {Berlin},
year = 2000,
url = {},
url = {}

E. Barth,
The minors of the structure tensor, in Mustererkennung 2000 , G. Sommer, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 2000. pp. 221--228.
Datei: dagm2000.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
title = {The minors of the structure tensor},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 2000},
editor = {G. Sommer},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {Berlin},
pages = {221--228},
year = {2000},
url = {}


E. Barth,
Bewegung als intrinsische {G}eometrie von {B}ildfolgen, in Mustererkennung 99 , W. Förster and J. M. Buhmann and A. Faber and P. Faber, Eds. Bonn: Springer, Berlin, 1999. pp. 301--308.
Datei: dagm99.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 99},
editor = {W. F{\"o}rster and J. M. Buhmann and A. Faber and P. Faber},
pages = {301--308},
publisher = {Springer, Berlin},
address = {Bonn},
title = {Bewegung als intrinsische {G}eometrie von {B}ildfolgen},
year = 1999,
url = {}

E. Barth, B. L. Beard, and A. J. Ahumada Jr.,
Nonlinear features in vernier acuity, in IS{\&}T/SPIE Symposium on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , 1999.
Datei: spie99.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth and B. L. Beard and A. J. Ahumada Jr.},
title = {Nonlinear features in vernier acuity},
booktitle = {IS{\&}T/SPIE Symposium on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging},
volume = {3644},
year = {1999},
url = {}

Ingo Rentschler, and Erhardt Barth,
Vom {V}orteil der tätigen {V}eränderung bildlicher {V}orstellungen, Kunstforum , vol. 148, 1999.
Datei: kunstforum.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Ingo Rentschler and Erhardt Barth},
journal = {Kunstforum},
title = {Vom {V}orteil der t{\"a}tigen {V}er{\"a}nderung bildlicher {V}orstellungen},
volume = {148},
year = {1999},
url = {}


E. Barth, and A. B. Watson,
Nonlinear spatio-temporal model based on the geometry of the visual input, Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science , vol. 39--4 (Supplement), pp. S-2110, 1998.
Datei: arvo98.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author= {E. Barth and A. B. Watson},
title = {Nonlinear spatio-temporal model based on the geometry of the visual input},
journal = {Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science},
volume = {39--4 (Supplement)},
pages = {S-2110},
year = {1998},
url = {}

E. Barth, and A. B. Watson,
Nonlinear visual coding from an intrinsic-geometry perspective, in Optical Society of America Annual Meeting Technical Digest, October 1998 , 1998.
Datei: osa98.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author= {E. Barth and A. B. Watson},
title = {Nonlinear visual coding from an intrinsic-geometry perspective},
booktitle = {Optical Society of America Annual Meeting Technical Digest, October 1998},
year = {1998},
url = {}

Erhardt Barth, Christoph Zetzsche, and Gerhard Krieger,
Curvature Measures in Visual Information Processing, Open Systems and Information Dynamics , vol. 5, pp. 25--39, 1998.
Datei: BaZeKr98.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Erhardt Barth and Christoph Zetzsche and Gerhard Krieger},
journal = {Open Systems and Information Dynamics},
pages = {25--39},
title = {Curvature Measures in Visual Information Processing},
volume = {5},
year = {1998},
url = {}

Erhardt Barth, Christoph Zetzsche, and Ingo Rentschler,
Intrinsic {2D} features as textons, J Opt Soc Am A , vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1723--1732, 1998.
Datei: BaZeRe98.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Erhardt Barth and Christoph Zetzsche and Ingo Rentschler},
title = {Intrinsic {2D} features as textons},
journal = {J Opt Soc Am A},
volume = {15},
number = {7},
pages = {1723--1732},
year = {1998},
url = {}

E. Barth, and C. Zetzsche,
Endstopped operators based on iterated nonlinear center-surround inhibition, in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , Bernice E Rogowitz and Thrasyvoulos N Pappas, Eds. Bellingham, WA , 1998. pp. 67--78.
Datei: BaZe98.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {E. Barth and C. Zetzsche},
title = {Endstopped operators based on iterated nonlinear center-surround inhibition},
booktitle = {Human Vision and Electronic Imaging},
editor = {Bernice E Rogowitz and Thrasyvoulos N Pappas},
address = {Bellingham, WA},
series = {Proc. SPIE},
volume = {3299},
pages = {67--78},
year = {1998},
url = {}


G. Krieger, C. Zetzsche, and E. Barth,
Higher-order statistics of natural images and their exploitation by operators selective to intrinsic dimensionality, in 1997 IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order statistics , 1997. pp. 147--151.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {G. Krieger and C. Zetzsche and E. Barth},
title = {Higher-order statistics of natural images and their exploitation by operators selective to intrinsic dimensionality},
booktitle = {1997 IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order statistics},
pages = {147--151},
year = {1997}

C. Zetzsche, E. Barth, G. Krieger, and B. Wegmann,
Neural network models and the visual cortex: {T}he missing link between cortical orientation selectivity and the natural environment, Neuroscience Letters , vol. 228, no. 3, pp. 155--158, 1997.
Datei: ZeBaKrWe97.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {C. Zetzsche and E. Barth and G. Krieger and B. Wegmann},
title = {Neural network models and the visual cortex: {T}he missing link between cortical orientation selectivity and the natural environment},
journal = {Neuroscience Letters},
volume = {228},
number = {3},
pages = {155--158},
year = {1997},
url = {}


Ingo Rentschler, and Erhardt Barth,
Caos nella testa, ordine nell' immagine, in Fra ordine e caos , M. F. Turno and E. Liotta and F. Orsucci, Eds. Roma: Cosmopoli, 1996. pp. 204--211.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Ingo Rentschler and Erhardt Barth},
title = {Caos nella testa, ordine nell' immagine},
editor = {M. F. Turno and E. Liotta and F. Orsucci},
booktitle = {Fra ordine e caos},
publisher = {Cosmopoli},
address = {Roma},
pages = {204--211},
year = {1996}

I. Rentschler, E. Barth, C. Zetzsche, and M. Jüttner,
Generalization of form in visual pattern classification, Spatial Vision, Special Issue on: Perceptual Learning and Adaption in Man and Machine: Part 2 , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 59--85, 1996.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {I. Rentschler and E. Barth and C. Zetzsche and M. J{\"u}ttner},
title = {Generalization of form in visual pattern classification},
journal = {Spatial Vision, Special Issue on: Perceptual Learning and Adaption in Man and Machine: Part 2},
volume = {10},
number = {1},
pages = {59--85},
year = {1996}