Demos Human and Computer Vision

E. Barth's selected demos


Eye movement data set

Large set of gaze recordings on high-resolution natural video to Dorr et al., Variability of eye movements when viewing dynamic natural scenes, Journal of Vision, 10(10):28, 2010.


Saliency by intrinsic dimensionality

Video demos of the geometrical invariants to Vig et al., Intrinsic dimensionality predicts the saliency of dynamic natural scenes,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(6):1080-1091, 2012.


Eye movements on multiple overlaid natural movies

Example stimuli to Barth et al., Efficient coding and multiple motions, Vision Research, 50(22), p. 2190-2199, 2010.


Eye Tracker Simulation Framework

A MATLAB framework for simulating video-oculographic eye trackers


Gaze-controlled Breakout

A version of LBreakout2 that can be controlled by gaze


Object Detection

Datasets for the localisation of (circular) objects


Illumination Correction for Stitching Images

Examples of a robust and fast illumination correction method that avoids boundary artifacts