24.10.2014 Lars Hertel Object Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
31.10.2014 Christoph Schröder Brain Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
07.11.2014 Annika Reinke (BSc Kolloquium) Simulation and bifurcation analysis of thalamo-cortical models
14.11.2014 Felix Effenberger Self-organization in balanced state networks by STDP and homeostatic plasticity
21.11.2014 Christoph Metzner Modelling perceptual deficits in neurological and psychiatric disorders
05.12.2014 Ulrike von Luxburg Ordinal embedding
12.12.2014 Ralf Möller Logical Foundations for Interpreting Media Data as Streams of Data Descriptions
19.12.2014 Christoph Lampert Towards Lifelong Learning for Visual Scene Understanding
09.01.2015 Timothy Pearce Monoallelic Receptor Gene Expression and Optimal Sensory Coding in the Olfactory Pathway
23.01.2015 Hannes Wendland Modellierung der Fahreraufmerksamkeit mittels Blickrichtungserkennung - Eine Einführung
06.02.2015 Erik Rodner Adaptive Lifelong Learning and Open Vocabulary Object Retrieval

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